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Apokrypha 2 Update. The library has been released. You may now preorder at a $60 intro price...

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Introducing SFZ Universal – One Sample Format, Many Instruments. Dangerous Bear Underground announces our new formatting concept for our VSTs and libraries, SFZ Universal...

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Soundware Development and Distribution for Virtual Instruments

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Prometheus Pro VST

Prometheus VST is powered by the WusikEngine, and draws upon our extensive experience with that instrument. Since we began developing for it in the fall of 2004, Dangerous Bear samples and the WusikEngine have always made a great combination, and this new instrument takes that legacy to a new level.

Prometheus Pro VST

Fortuity VST

Powered by a custom engine by HG Fortune, and fueled by a 211mb, 5 bank, 254 instrument soundset in sf2 format, and comes with over 300 presets. The engine is a 2-layer, 16-voice polyphonic derived from Fortune's STS-series technology.

Fortuity VST